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What is Diastasis?

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis refers to a separation. Specifically, it involves the separation of the recti muscles, which are the outermost abdominal muscles.
These outermost muscles need to remain close together to effectively support your back and organs.

When you experience diastasis recti, these muscles separate, causing the connective tissue that joins them to stretch sideways, becoming thin and weak. This weakened connective tissue fails to support your back and organs, leading to issues with your back, hips, gastrointestinal (GI) system, and pelvic floor.
Diastasis recti can be closed on anyone at anytime with the Tupler Technique®
This technique not only reduces the separation but also prepares you for abdominal surgery and labor, thereby preventing incisional hernias and the need for a C-section.

Diastasis Recti can be linked to several conditions and activities, including:

  • Abdominal surgery or procedures where the abdomen is filled with air, or having abdominal hernias (umbilical, epigastric, and hiatal).
  • Pregnancy. Each pregnancy can worsen a diastasis, making it more noticeable with each subsequent pregnancy. Severe diastasis often causes a perpetual pregnant appearance.
  • Prolonged periods of having a beer belly.
  • Having an outie belly button.
  • Observing a half-football bulge when lifting your shoulders off the floor from a lying position.
  • Regular participation in activities or exercises such as gymnastics, swimming, tennis, golf, yoga, Pilates, and crunches during childhood or adulthood.
  • Experiencing back pain, hip pain, bloating after eating, and poor posture.